Crystal Tarot Reading
Whether you're standing at a crossroads, seeking deeper self-understanding, or craving spiritual guidance, the tarot serves as both mirror and map. Gain clarity on your life's direction, uncover hidden obstacles, and discover the tools to overcome them. Through this cosmic reflection, you'll align more fully with your authentic self and highest potential.
what can you learn
Navigating life JOurney
What major shifts are coming into my life?
How can I overcome obstacles in my life?
Is this a right decision?
How to deepen my intuition?
What path to take?
Love & Relationships
What’s blocking me from finding love?
What do they feel towards me?
Are they ready to make a move?
What do I need to know about my partner?
What steps can I take to create a loving relationship?
Embodiment & Self-Care
What is my body trying to tell me?
How can I release guilt or shame related to my body?
What blocks my weight loss?
What self-care practices will give me best results.
Career & Purpose
Am I on the right career path?
What steps can I take to achieve my professional goals?
What are my gifts?
How to create more abundance in my life?

Synthetic reading + intuition that looks at different components wholistically rather than disjointed parts :
Card combinations and sequences
Major Arcana themes and soul lessons
Elemental and numerological patterns
Astrological correspondences
Your soul's journey from Fool to World
not just card by card
Crystal conduit
4 long distance reading
Photo Link: Send a recent photo to anchor our energetic connection.
Crystal Resonance: I transfer your energetic blueprint into a crystal.Your energy signature is amplified in a crystal-water matrix.
Soul Bridge: The crystal becomes a conduit for higher-self communication.
Spacetime Transcendence: Distance becomes irrelevant in our quantum-linked reading.
The tarot deck is a microcosm of human experience, reflecting your innermost thoughts and deepest desires. Each card is a vivid snapshot of life's journey, from the Fool's innocent beginnings to the World's cosmic completion. These archetypal images speak directly to your subconscious, bypassing logical barriers to reveal profound truths.
The Major Arcana charts the soul's evolution, presenting 22 pivotal life lessons. As you encounter the Magician's power, the Tower's upheaval, or the Star's hope, you'll recognize echoes of your own path. The Minor Arcana delves into daily life, exploring emotional currents, mental challenges, spiritual growth, and material concerns through four elemental suits.
A cosmic MIrror In-2 YOU
Reflect- Realign-Evolve

Ready 2-Dive ?
Submit your questions: After the payment you will receive an email were you can submit your question. I can do up to 3 questions in one reading. I pull 7 cards for each question. I recomend to do very specific but not yes or no questions with a focus on the process not only outcome.
In-depth analysis: You will receive the interpretation withing 48h after submission.