Beyond Equality: The Upward Dance of Polarity


Imagine a world where power isn't a finite resource to be divided, but a dynamic current flowing between us, elevating all in its wake. Where the masculine and feminine aren't at odds, but in a constant, exhilarating dance of creation. This isn't your sanitized, politically correct version of equality. This is raw, this is real, this is the power play that pulses at the very heart of existence.


Beyond good and evil, beyond light and dark, there is power. Yet here we are, trapped in a black-and-white view of power, swinging between domination and emasculation, grasping for, fighting for and rejecting our right for power all together.

What if the key to unlocking our potential lies not in choosing sides or neutralizing polarity in the name of equality, but in embracing the whole? Imagine a world where power isn't a finite resource to be divided or hoarded, where it's not static but a dynamic current flowing between us, elevating all in its wake. Where masculine and feminine aren't opposing forces, but complementary currents in the same cosmic ocean, where their dance of polarity generates more energy and more power. This isn't about equalizing and stopping the momentum – it's about riding the waves of our full, multidimensional selves. Welcome to the quantum leap in human empowerment. Let's dance!

Our Clumsy Waltz with Power

But can we? Can we dance when we are sore and achy, all covered in bruises, mud and scars?

Our collective dance with power of polarity has been clumsy at best, more like catastrophic. We've trampled toes, twisted arms, let each other fall, pushed, drugged each other through the mud, crushed bones, tore spirits. We have turned the dance floor of pleasure into the battlefiled of will. But our solution – to stop dancing altogether – misses the point entirely.

As we've struggled to correct the imbalances of the past, we've inadvertently created new ones. The feminine principle, long suppressed, has been further obscured in our rush to adopt masculine modes of power. Meanwhile, the masculine, feeling threatened, has become more rigid and unyielding. We've lost touch with the fluid, intuitive nature of the feminine, while the masculine has calcified into a caricature of strength without vulnerability.

And our answer has been to homogenize. In our quest to reshape power dynamics, we've often missed the mark, seeking equality through homogenization rather than embracing the rich tapestry of our inherent differences. 

Feminine and masculine are energies, not genders. While women generally embody more feminine energy and men more masculine, both genders have some of each, just in varying proportions. However, our society is deeply unbalanced, structured around masculine modes of power. This imbalance forces people who are more connected to their feminine energy into an impossible choice: adopt modes misaligned with their core or be sidelined as less - less respected, less rewarded, less free. It also disconnects and does not even serve those who are "lucky" to have more masculine energy, as it disconnects them from vulnerability and the power of the feminine both inside and relationally.

From the degrade to dissipation 

We went from the debates if a woman could be classified as human Or is she closer to an animal? Possession?, mere tits&womb? A silent vessel to breed generations of new humans, A servant, slave, hysteric, cannot reason, must be a virgin, but when she refuses to give it up with little to no effort- she is a bitch, when she give is it-slut&whore

A piece of property to claim and put your stamp all over  Maybe beloved if she is lucky, but always at least slightly less  And never more

So after so long of this bulshit,  we’ve revolted, wanting to be equal, Wanting to be seen, and heard, be more Even if it meant that in being equal, So many have become too similar to men And lost the knowing how to be her

We won the rights but lost the essence.  We got more freedom but lost touch with our core It became easier to live in this world as woman But harder to be H:ER. 

The Pitfalls of Soft Equality

In our efforts to dismantle ingrained patriarchal systems, many have sought alternative power dynamics in relationships and organizations. These are often softened versions aiming for equality and equity. Yet, in practice, these well-intentioned aspirations, while arguably more balanced than our patriarchal inheritance, lead to confusion. We find ourselves unmoored, unsure of our standing, unable to fully step into our power. In pursuing equality, we've become more homogenized, more confused, inadvertently stunting our growth and failing to meet our deepest needs. This forced homogenization is not only unauthentic and feels unauthentic but also stunts our growth and maturation that comes with stepping into our power fully. It's as though we're frozen in perpetual teenage immaturity and awkwardness, unable to step into our adulthood with both the fulfillment and responsibility that comes with the authority of self.

From zero-sum to mutual empowrment

What if, instead of viewing power as a finite resource to be divided equally, we reconceptualized it as a dynamic system of circulation? Rather than a zero-sum game where one's gain is another's loss, or something to tiptoe around in a misguided attempt at fairness, power can be a force for mutual elevation. Power of being yourself, power of embodying your own unique blend of masculine-feminine polarity both within self, relationships, and in how we organize our lives. Stepping into this power invites others to do the same. Dancing with this power generates more power, thus uplifting everyone involved.

This approach moves us beyond equality through homogenization and depolarization, into realms of equality via the dynamic interplay of polarities. It honors the different modes of operation inherent to us in varying proportions, allowing for fluid and constant interchange. Through this dance, we uplift and empower each other, stepping into the fullness of our unique expressions of power.

Commanding: The Masculine Mode of Power

Commanding energy springs from authority earned through action. It's rooted in a clear vision and the ability to manifest desired outcomes. It declares, Do what I say, fulfilling needs for control, architecture, and guidance. This energy is measured, far-reaching, commanding respect through adherence to direction and willingness to be guided. It seeks vulnerability and surrender.

Authority here is earned through actions, adherence to codes and principles, and external accomplishments. The masculine path involves training, starting from the bottom and working upwards. It requires both humility and control - humility to learn, to be guided, to do what must be done even when unpleasant; control to execute, to acquire new skills, to become effective, purposeful and directed.

The  journey builds the ability to handle power, to learn how to be a teacher and a student, command and serve, and to shift between control and openness as needed. It's a path of mastery, where power is acquired through discipline and transcendence of personal limitations. Those who remain hesitant, undisciplined, or overly concerned with pleasing others find power elusive on this path.

The masculine path teaches us the mastery of CNTRL-SHFT-SRNDR (Control-Shift-Surrender). Paradoxically, control not tempered and balanced by surrender leads to loss of control over oneself. This imbalance drives one to control everything externally, avoiding the ever-growing need for vulnerability. Because more control requires deeper ability to be vulnerable, an unbalanced state leads to an insatiable hunger for external control.

True mastery lies in using control as a means of service and the ability to dance between control and surrender, holding power without being corrupted by it.

VO:C-O-PWR - Voice of power

Without CNTRL control, you cannot yield me.  Without SRNDR surrender, you cannot hold. 

Don't even think about me  Before you've mastered art of  CNTRL-SHFT-SRNDR (control shift surrender)

Don't come before me,  Or I will destroy you and all.

Demanding: The Feminine Mode of Power

Demanding energy emerges from E-NTITLD (entitlement) - not arrogance, but a bone-deep knowing of one's inherent worth and right to fulfillment. It is based on trust in the sacredness of one’s needs and their inevitable fulfillment. This energy expects and demands "DMND". It says: Give me what I want, focusing on the clarity and intensity of desire rather than the method of its fulfillment.

Feminine power commands respect through knowing what she truly wants, the ability to express it in a deeply vulnerable yet expectant way, and the unwavering trust that she is worthy of receiving it. It is her inherent right to be fulfilled.

The feminine path to power is one of unfolding and liberation. It's about releasing the shame and fear that have long suffocated our desires. Our wants and needs, buried deep in the unconscious, have been corrupted by millennia of conditioning, emerging twisted and muddied by guilt and societal expectations.

This path invites us to become genuinely curious about our desires, to polish the diamond of our wants until it shines with truth. It's about uncovering our worthiness, aligning with our truth, and trusting in the sacredness of our desires. Power comes from expressing these wants unabashedly, surrendering to the process of their fulfillment without trying to control the flow.

The key lies in discernment - knowing what we truly want in its purest form, and understanding where and how to express it. Without letting go, desire remains trapped, like a balloon yearning to fly but held down. Without knowing and respecting the core desires, expression becomes unaligned, thus focusing too much on negativity, frustrations, what is not working, placing blame, and mistrust. This mistrust paired with unworthiness leads to unnecessary involvement out of fear that needs will not be met. Yet the fact that we need to micromanage to achieve desired outcomes often builds resentment. All of that behavior is met with a lot of resistance perpetuating a cycle of mistrust. Without having discernment on who is worthy of trust and who is not, it is unavoidable to get yourself into situations that are not aligned and keep running into people that are unwilling or unable to give you what you want.

Thus discernment is paramount as it teaches us to be able to let go into trust and be open and vulnerable where it is the right container, while quickly recognizing and avoiding the wrong ones. This allows for both having boundaries and the ability to be vulnerable. 

Mother's love is fierce, yet giving. It will teach you how to get all But her giving is not in  Teaching art of ‘go get it” Proving oneself and  Keep on giving all

But to BE HERE fully KNOW the  TRUTH of your  DESIRE SPEAK IT UP DISCERN To ultimately BLOOM in TRUST and feel the fullness of your PLEASURE

Your sacred right- the pleasure that you deserve.

Do You want to learn how to stpep into pleasure and power that you deserve?


Proving Vs Claiming

Our society squirms uncomfortably when faced with the feminine mode of power, associating it with unearned entitlement. Yet, this discomfort points to a profound truth - the empowered feminine requires worthiness for trust. In order for feminine dominant person to not try to control the outcomes there must be a foundation of both competency and commitment.


While the masculine goes on the hero quest, feminine blooms in her unfoldment. These are simply two different operational modes: the masculine proves worthiness, while the feminine claims it.

Both demand effort, but of distinctly different flavors.

The Language of Power

As we navigate this new paradigm of power, it becomes crucial to reclaim and redefine the language we use to describe these dynamics. By introducing new terms and concepts, we can shift our understanding and approach to power:

  1. DMND (Demand): This term encapsulates the essence of feminine power - the ability to clearly articulate and expect the fulfillment of one's desires without shame or hesitation.

  2. E-NTITLD (Entitled): Far from its negative connotations, this concept speaks to the innate worthiness each of us possesses, the right to claim our power and expect our needs to be met.

  3. CNTRL-SHFT-SRNDR (Control-Shift-Surrender): This phrase embodies the path of mastery of masculine power, the ability to move fluidly between states of control and surrender, maintaining power without being corrupted by it.

By incorporating these terms into our discourse, we begin to reshape our understanding of power dynamics. We move away from the limiting language of dominance and submission, winners and losers, and towards a more nuanced, holistic view of power as a force for mutual elevation and growth.

Becoming Adults in the games of Power

By embracing both commanding and demanding energies, we open the door to a more nuanced, fulfilling expression of power. This isn't about finding a middle ground or compromising either energy. Instead, it's about recognizing the value and place of both, allowing them to dance together in dynamic interplay.

Maturation is moving from tiptoeing to stepping into the truth and the power of who you are. Knowing yourself gives you an understanding of your constitution, likes, dislikes and the power mode combination aligned with your core. Then just claim it.

Claim your power, take it, earn it, use it for good, use it for service, use it to empower oneself, your partner, your family and everyone in your orbit. Stop being a wallflower, go dance with it.

Go dance with the polarity, alternating between control and surrender, giving and taking, leading and following. It is not supposed to be static, stagnant, or a fight for dominance or push towards artificial sameness. Power is  a force for mutual elevation, a current that flows between us, empowering each to step into the fullness of our unique expression. As we learn to embody both the masculine ability to command and the feminine courage to demand, we create a world where power flows freely, nurturing the unique gifts each of us brings to the grand dance of existence.

Are you ready to awaken your feminine power and transform every aspect of your life? O-Circle offers a unique blend of pleasure-based manifestation, community support, and ancient wisdom, tailored for the modern, sophisticated woman seeking depth in her spiritual practice.


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