Thymus Chakra AWAKENING
Your Thymus gland stores akashic record of your soul’s journey, your purpose in this world and a blueprint of Divine Love.
Your Higher Heart Thymus gland is located between your throat and your heart chakras.
The higher heart chakra is the Spiritual heart center and the seat of your soul. One of the earliest glands that develop in the fetus, your thymus gland carry your the blueprint of your soul, your akashic records and the information about the past and future of your soul. It is believed to be a physical location of your soul.
One of the earliest glands that develop in the fetus, your thymus gland carry the blueprint of your soul, your akashic records and the information about the past and future of your soul. It is believed to be a physical location of your soul.
Thymus Chakra
Thymus Activation
with Light language and Reiki Energy
Your higher heart carries the memory of Unconditional Love. The frequency of the awakened thymus chakra is Divine Love, Christ Consciousness, and remembrance of our true home.
Connecting to your higher heart helps to release old grudges, forgive and set your heart free from old pain. It opens the flow of communication between your throat and your heart aiding in effortless heart centered expression.
The frequency of the awakened thymus chakra is Divine Love, Christ Consciousness, and remembrance of our true home.
Your Thymus Chakra is connected to your immunity, cell regeneration, and youthfulness. It is your inner fountain of youth. This chakra vibration aids in healing infectious releases and promotes a whole body healing and regeneration.